Yacht Registration
Friendly treatment worldwide
Yacht Registration
Friendly treatment worldwide
Seychelles offers many products in the ‘financial services industry’ and one of the most attractive offerings is YACHT REGISTRATION, for companies in shipping business.
Registration of ships and yachts is governed by the Merchant Shipping Act, 1992. Seychelles is member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the group of non-aligned countries, the Indian Ocean Commission, and the International Maritime Organization, and vessels flying the Seychelles flag benefit from friendly treatment worldwide.
Under Seychelles flag a Yacht / Vessel can only be registered either by following:
Seychelles Citizen
Seychelles Corporate
The present recognised and authorised Classification societies by the Seychelles Ship Registrar are listed below.
Lloyd’s register of Shipping (UK)
Bureau Veritas (France)
Nippon Kaiji Ryokai (Japan)
Det Norske Veritas (Norway)
America Bureau of Shipping (USA)
Germanischer Lloyd (Germany)
If the Yacht or vessel is not in Seychelles waters, it can be provisionally registered under a Seychelles flag at a diplomatic or consular representative abroad. It will later be permanently registered with the Seychelles Ship Registrar.
A ship is usually registered for an initial period of 90 days, extendable for another 90 days. Once all requires documents have been submitted the ship can be provisionally registered.
After the 90-day period, or after the expiry of the extension of the registration certificate, the Vessel can be permanently registered at no extra cost. The vessel owner must submit the following statutory certificates and documents.

Abacus takes the pride for assisting you with registering Yacht under Seychelles flag. We have an experienced team of professionals who can help you with it. To find out more on Yacht registration, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to help!